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The Baja Western Onion

How To Post a Photo Or Image With Your Ad or Article in The Baja Western Onion

Each week, we receive ads and articles with broken links to images that the submitter intended to include, or with links to images that are far to large to include in The Baja Western Onion. We don't have time to figure out how to fix these links or resize images so we simply delete the link.

Here are some requirements for images submitted with your ad or article:

  1. The image must be located on a web server somewhere. You cannot link to images on your computer.
  2. The image should not be on a "secure" server where you have to log in. This is especially true for secure services like DropBox. You may be able to see your image but others can't.
  3. The image must be no larger than 150 pixels high by 150 pixels wide. There are 72 pixels to an inch on the average PC display monitor so 150 pixels is about 2" in width or height. The image to the right is 150 x 150 pixels.
  4. The image must be saved in a low-resolution web format, no greater than 72 DPI (Dots Per Inch). The file size must also be no larger than 30 KB. Larger files take longer to load. When an issue of the Baja Western Onion is loaded with large graphics, it slows down many of our readers' computers.
  5. The image file name must not have any spaces. Remove spaces or replace them with dashes or underscores; "My Favorite Photo.jpg" becomes "My-Favorite-Photo.jpg" or "MyFavoritePhoto.jpg"
  6. The image file name MUST end in one of the following file extensions: .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF or .PNG. Any other file extension won't work.
Here are some tips on how to submit an image with your ad or article:
  • We recommend using the free service to host and edit your files. Here, you can upload images or drag and drop them from your computer and crop or resize them to fit your needs.
  • Once you upload your photo and and verify it displays correctly, you need to copy the resulting "link" to your image and paste it into our article submission form. Click on the uploaded image and copy the link that appears in the pop up box: Direct Link (email & IM)
For images hosted at other sites like FaceBook or Yahoo:
    With PCs, right-click your mouse cursor over the image. You will then see a popup menu box with several options. The options will change, depending upon your browser:
    • In Firefox, right-click on the image and select the menu option; "Copy Image Location"
    • In Google Chrome, right-click on the image and select the menu option; "Copy image address"
    • In Internet Explorer, right-click on the image and select the menu option "Properties." In the Properties box, hold down your left mouse button and highlight the link to the right of Address (URL):, then left click the highlighted link and select "Copy."

    Now that you have copied the image link to your PC's clipboard memory, you can then paste it into the Baja Western Onion Free Article Submission Form found here: Right click on the "Hosted Image" box and select "Paste" from the popup menu.

    You can practice copying and pasting links to images by right-clicking on the Baja Western Onion logo image here in the upper right. The resulting image link should be: If you get anything else, keep trying until you get it right.

    Of course, if all of this is too much for you, we can resize and host your image on the Baja Western Onion web site for only $5.00 US. Just let us know in the "Additional Comments" box when you submit an article. Then send us the image, or a link to your web page containing the image, by Email to . - The Baja Western Onion, The Baja Western Onion

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Submit an Article, Ad or Question? Visit Our Web Site at submitad.asp
  • How Do I Submit a Graphic or Photo to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
  • How Do I Advertise in The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
  • How Can I Donate to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at donate.asp
  • What Can I Submit and How Often? Find Information Here: faq.asp
  • Where Can I Find The Best of The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at best-of-the-bwo.asp
  • Where Can I Find Back Issues? Recent Back Issues of the Baja Western Onion are Here: back-issues.asp (NOTE: Not all Back Issues Posted)
  • How Do I Unsubscribe? Our Safe Unsubscribe link is at the bottom of every issue of the Baja Western Onion, or visit Our Web Site at subscribe.asp.
  • How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion? Please send an e mail to .
  • More FAQs Here: faq.asp

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