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Like community public radio or TV, the Baja Western Onion is a Free community service that depends on community involvement and support for its success. Each month, we incur real, out-of-pocket expenses for the operation of the Baja Western Onion. In addition to the several hours of work to edit and publish each issue, we also have to pay for:
- Annual domain name registration and Website hosting fees for the web site you're visiting right now.
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If you've benefited in any way at all by reading or posting in the Baja Western Onion, we hope you'll consider making a pledge to help support it. We'd welcome any amount. Our average donation is about $30 but we'll be happy to accept any amount you wish to donate.
We can accept donations by Cash, Credit Card, Check or Direct Deposit.
Donate By Credit Card:
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If you don't yet have a PayPal account, you can create one here:
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Donate By Check in The US:
Make US checks payable to "Debra Webster" and mail to:
Debra Webster
2711 Mosquito Road
Placerville, CA 95667
For information on sending your donation by direct deposit or Electronic Funds Transfer to our account at Union Bank of California, please contact us at for bank routing information. You can also call 1 530 903 4257 in the US.
Donate in Mexico:
You can also make a donation in Todos Santos by cash or Mexican check. Make Mexican checks payable to "Al Portador." You can drop off your donation in an envelope addressed to "The Baja Western Onion" at El Tecolote Book Store in Todos Santos. Make sure you include your name and the purpose for your donation so we know who to thank.
Please note that we are not a registered non-profit organization and cannot issue tax-deductable donation receipts or Mexican Facturas.
Thank you for your consideration in supporting the Baja Western Onion. - Alan Thompson and Debra Webster.
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How Do I Submit a Graphic or Photo to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Do I Advertise in The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Can I Donate to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at donate.asp
What Can I Submit and How Often? Find Information Here: faq.asp
Where Can I Find The Best of The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at best-of-the-bwo.asp
Where Can I Find Back Issues? Recent Back Issues of the Baja Western Onion are Here: back-issues.asp (NOTE: Not all Back Issues Posted)
How Do I Unsubscribe? Our link is at the bottom of every issue of the Baja Western Onion, or visit Our Web Site at subscribe.asp.
How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion? Please send an e mail to .
More FAQs Here: faq.asp
The Baja Western Onion
Serving the communities of Todos Santos, Pescadero and the surrounding areas of Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Copyright © 2006 -
Baja Western Onion All rights reserved.
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