The Baja Western Onion
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Baja Western Onion
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Frequently Asked Questions
Below, you'll find answers to commonly asked questions about The Baja Western Onion. Of course, please feel free to send your questions to The Baja Western Onion if they are not answered here!
Subscription Information
How Do I Subscribe To The Baja Western Onion?
How Do I Unsubscribe From The Baja Western Onion?
How Do I Update/Change My Email Subscription Address?
How Often is The Baja Western Onion Sent?
Placing An Ad
How Do I Place an Ad in The Baja Western Onion?
Can I Post Anything I want to The Baja Western Onion?
Is There a Cost to Submit an Item or Ad?
How Often Can My Ad Appear?
Can I Have My Free Ad Appear Automatically More Than Once?
Can I Submit an Image, Graphic or Picture With My Article or Ad?
Can I List Prices For Items I Wish to Sell?
Can I Advertise My Business in The Baja Western Onion?
About The Baja Western Onion
Who Produces and Sends The Baja Western Onion?
I Have a Complaint About Your Policies, or Something Appearing in The Baja Western Onion?
How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion?
How Do I Place an Article or Advertisement in The Baja Western Onion?
Please use the Article Submission Form found on this web site. The submission form automatically formats your article and groups it with our other submissions, thereby saving us a lot of work, preserving our overall "Style," and helping to ensure your article won't be overlooked.
Here is a Step-by-Step explanation of how to submit an Ad or Article:
- To submit a FREE ad, open your browser and Click Here to go to
To submit a PAID ad, open your browser and Click Here to go to
- Enter a title for your article or Ad in the "Title" box.
- Enter your question, article or ad in the "Please Enter Your Article or Ad" box. If you like, you can simply copy and paste your text from Word, Notepad, or an Email. Maximum limit for free ads is 600 characters (about 100 words) and 1,200 characters for Paid Ads.
- Enter the name, phone number, Email address, location, and a web site that you want to have associated with the article (strictly optional, this information will automatically be added to the end of your submission.)
- Enter any comments you would like to send us, again strictly optional. Comments will not be included with your article. If you want an image to appear with your article, please include a link to the hosted image and we'll see what we can do to include it. Please see our FAQ on Can I Submit an Image, Graphic or Picture With My Article or Ad? for more information.
- Enter the Security Code you see in the image near the bottom. If you cannot read the Security Code, click the "Load New Code" link until you get a code you can read.
- Press the "I Agree" button.
TIP: If you get an error message that the security code you entered was incorrect, use your browser's "Back" button to return to the Submission Form and click the "Load New Code" link to get a new image. If you still have problems submitting this form, it may be because you have "cookies" disabled in your browser. Here is information on How To Enable Cookies in Your Browser.
Your submission will be reviewed for possible inclusion in the next issue. NOTE: Please be sure to include your phone and/or Email so people know how to contact you. To ensure inclusion, you must submit your articles or ads through the web site. Articles or ads sent directly to the Publisher or Editor by Email will most likely be overlooked and not included.
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Can I Post Anything I Want to The Baja Western Onion?
By Submitting an article or ad to the Baja Western Onion, you agree to abide by all our Editorial Guidelines, Terms and Conditions of Use. Articles that do not conform to our guidelines will be edited or rejected:
- Types of Articles - The format of the Baja Western Onion is best for short, "newsy" articles. It is not suitable for posting:
Long articles or ads "Blogging" |
Jokes Essays |
Political views Editorials |
Poetry Interviews |
Stories Anecdotes |
Opinions Creative writing pieces |
There are already many other venues on the Internet and in our area better suited for this type of content.
- Article Length - Out of consideration for our other readers and posters, please keep your articles and ads short and to the point. Articles no more than 50 words for free ads and 100 words for paid ads will be allowed. If you like, you can post an announcement and link to a longer article hosted somewhere else. We also offer web page hosting for an additional fee.
- Article Formatting - We do our best to include articles as they are submitted through our web form but there are some things we really don't like:
- Please check your spelling. There are several free spell checkers that work right inside your web browser. Use them.
- Do not submit articles typed "ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS," or include lots of words in "CAPITAL LETTERS".
- Do not submit articles with overuse of punctuation, such as !!!!! or ???? or .......
- Do not submit articles with
excessive white spaceorexcessive vertical space between lines, paragraphs or sentences.
- In order for us to maintain our preferred Baja Western Onion "style," do not submit text-based ads or articles that include your own HTML Tags, special characters like Emojis, Em Dashes, En dashes, "Curly" Quotes, Words in Bold, Larger Font Sizes, COLORED FONTS or Different Type Faces. These style additions will be ignored and your ad may be rejected.
- Your Identity - Please do not submit articles without providing some information about who is submitting the article. If you wish to remain anonymous then tell us so in the Additional Comments section of the Article Submission form. Submitters will need to identify themselves and provide a reason why their identity should be withheld. Articles submitted without valid contact information will be ignored.
- Stick to One Topic - Do not include multiple topics in one article. Articles concerning only one topic are best. Any excessive, questionable, objectionable or inappropriate content may be edited or rejected.
- Things To Avoid - The Baja Western Onion is not a public forum for debates, or for airing political views, personal disputes, opinions, complaints, "Hate Speech", "Witch Hunts," remarks that disrespect ethnicity, religion, race or gender, or articles that disrespect, harass, humiliate, embarrass, criticize, attack, challenge, harm, intimidate, or provoke another individual, poster, business or group. These types of submissions will be discarded.
- Questionable Ads - We will not knowingly reprint questionable or suspicious ads where the poster's true identity or location is not clear, or that contain links to sites promoting possible scams, Phishing attempts to steal personal information, viruses, advance-fee fraud attempts, "Get Rich Quick" schemes or other types of pyramid-, multi-level, work-at-home, "start your own business," "cut your taxes," secret money from the government, "Payday loans," "student loans," or other types of similar marketing promotions or scams. If you contact an advertiser in The Baja Western Onion who turns out to be offering one or more of the above, let us know and we'll get rid of them. Please report all violations to the attention of .
- Links in Articles - Do not include links to sites that are not relevant to the topic of the article or ad, or pay-per-click "affiliate" links to external web sites in an attempt to garner revenue for the submitter. Such ads and/or their links will be regarded as "Spamming" and they will be removed or edited.
- Copyrighted Materials - DO NOT submit copyrighted materials or images, reprints of copyrighted articles, or materials for which you do not have full ownership, without the explicit permission of the copyright owners.
- Distribution Rights - All Ads and Articles you submit become the property of the Baja Western Onion, and you grant unconditional rights for the Baja Western Onion to edit, reprint or reuse the content thereof in any way it sees fit.
- Spamming - Do not "Harvest" E mail Addresses from the Baja Western Onion with the intent to send our readers unsolicited bulk mailings, AKA "Spam." This is specifically against our Terms and Conditions of use, and is also downright rude. Most of us receive enough unsolicited junk mail as it is. Violators will be permanently removed from our subscription list. Please report all violations to the attention of .
- Criminal Accusations - In our goal to maintain fairness and neutrality for all, The Baja Western Onion will not reprint any article that accuses any person or business, by name or inference, of committing any crime. If we've learned anything about the Internet, it's the great ability of people to misuse it and anonymously inflict serious harm and abuse on others through online accusations. The Publishers, Editors and Readers of The Baja Western Onion cannot be expected to sit as judge or jury to assess the guilt or innocence of any individual based on someone else's assertions. If you have knowledge that a crime has been committed, then the incident should be reported to the appropriate Mexican authorities.
- Defamation - Please do not submit articles that accuse any person or business, by name or inference, of committing any negligence, wrongdoing, malfeasance or deception, or that contain anything that might disrespect, damage or besmirch an individual's or company's personal or professional character or reputation, or anything that is intended to "Out" someone. Please note there are serious anti-defamation laws in Mexico with quite severe penalties, and we will not allow the Baja Western Onion to become a party to any violation of those laws.
- Alarming Rumors, Gossip, Conspiracy Theories or Hearsay - We don't like Rumors, "Hearsay," or any kind of vague, second-hand accounts of conspiracies, incidents or crimes. If you don't personally have direct knowledge of "The Facts" (the honest journalism of the "Who, What, Where, When, and How") of a situation, then don't bother sending it to us. Again, we don't have the time to Vet these types of submissions, and will not reprint them.
- Sexual Innuendo Or Inappropriate Content - The Baja Western Onion is a G-rated, family-friendly publication. We will not accept ads or articles containing sexual, pornographic, or "adult" content or links. Such ads or articles will simply be deleted without a response.
- Names and Addresses - Please do not include the name(s), Email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information for any third party without their permission. If you like, you can request that readers contact you for more information.
- Responses and Retractions - If there is an issue with a factual misrepresentation of something that appeared in the Baja Western Onion, or if you have a dispute with someone, then we would expect the individuals involved to work it out among themselves and not attempt to thrash it out by way of posting "tit for tat" articles or disputes in The Baja Western Onion. The Publishers and Editors of the Baja Western Onion may, entirely at our option, choose to print a response to something that appeared in The Baja Western Onion but we will not permit an ongoing dispute or "Flame War" between individuals or groups to be published. We may also, entirely at our option, choose to print a retraction to any article that appears in the Baja Western Onion.
- Free Speech - Finally, please understand you do not have a "Right" to post anything you want in the Baja Western Onion, any more than you have the "Right" to trespass upon someone's private property, to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater, or to spray graffiti on someone's home or business. The Baja Western Onion is a private concern, and paid for entirely by its owners.
We retain ALL rights to decide what goes into The Baja Western Onion and how it goes in, whether paid for or not, or whether you think it's fair or not, or whether you think of it as censorship. Readers who do not understand this simple point of ownership are invited to go to the considerable time and effort it takes to build their own web site and send their own newsletter however they see fit.
Violators of any of our editorial policies may be warned, or banned from our subscriber list altogether and their future submissions rejected.
All submissions will reviewed, and the decision to include or edit any submission is solely at the discretion of the Owner, Publisher, Editor, and Staff of The Baja Western Onion. Our opinion of what is acceptable is final, and is not open to argument or petition.
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Is There a Cost to Submit an Ad?
There is no charge for personal or commercial articles or ads that appear no more frequently than once every 14 days. However, we do offer paid sponsorships for individuals, businesses and non-profits who would like their articles or ads to appear in each issue. Please visit our Advertising Page for more information.
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How Often Can My Ad Appear?
Out of consideration for our readers, and to keep each issue of the Baja Western Onion from being overrun by repeat articles or ads, we will not reprint free articles or ads for the same same individual, group, business, organization, subject, item or event more frequently than once every 14 days. We may make exceptions to this if we feel the information submitted is time sensitive or useful to our readers. Our decision is final. Free or repeat ads submitted before our 14-day limit will be deleted without notice. Repeat violators of our 14-day rule may be permanently suspended without notice.
If you want announcements, ads or event notices for your group or business to appear more frequently, we do offer Paid Sponsorship Opportunities that will allow your articles or ads to appear in each issue (within our other limits).
Multiple submissions related to the same individual, group, business, organization, subject, item or event may be rejected or consolidated into one article, entirely at the option of the Editor and Publisher of the Baja Western Onion.
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Can My Free Ad Appear Automatically More Than Once?
We cannot automatically repeat free ads for you. If you want an ad to appear again, you will need to resubmit it by way of the Article Submission Form. Please observe our 14-day limit explained above. If you want your announcement, ad or event notice in each issue, we do offer Paid Sponsorship Opportunities.
We may add date-sensitive events to the Featured Events This Week, The Community Calender or Workshops and Meetings pages where they will reappear until they expire. Inclusion in these sections is entirely at the option of the Editor and Publisher of the Baja Western Onion. The Featured Events This Week and The Community Calender sections are limited to non-recurring community events (Sorry, no "Happy Hours," "Daily Specials," or other recurring business activities). Submit your Community Events and Workshops events here:
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Can I Submit an Image, Graphic or Picture With My Article or Ad?
If you have an illustrative image or graphic hosted on your own web server, you can submit a link to that hosted image in the Article Submission Form.
For unpaid ads or articles, we may include your graphic if time allows, and if it conforms to our other guidelines and size limits (below). If you need us to upload and host an image for you on our servers, we can do so for a donation of $5.00 US.
Image Size Limits - Illustrative Graphics accompanying articles, whether paid or unpaid, should be in JPG or GIF format at 72 dpi resolution, and no larger than 150 X 150 pixels. All banner-type display ads are reserved for paid advertisers, and will not be accepted for unpaid ads. See our Advertising Page for more information on our specifications for all graphics and display ads submitted.
Paid Display Ad Creation and Editing Services
If you need help creating a paid display ad for your business or announcement, we can provide this service for $30 per hour. See our Advertising Page for more information. If you need help editing your existing image to conform to the above sizes for paid display ads, we can provide this service for $30 per hour. Most graphics take no more than an hour to edit. Please submit all advertising graphics for review by E mail to the attention of . See our Advertising Page for more information.
If you prefer to edit the image yourself, there are many resources and tools on the web that will help you to learn how to do so. Here is one site where you can do this for free:
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Can I List Prices For Items I Wish to Sell?
Yes, but please note that you are responsible for staying in compliance with all US and Mexican laws, and for paying all state or federal taxes that may be due on any items you sell.
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Can I Advertise My Business in The Baja Western Onion?
Yes, paid advertising is available. Please visit our Advertising Page for more information on advertising opportunities. All commercial ads are subject to approval by the Editor and Publisher of The Baja Western Onion. Also, inclusion of commercial listings in the Community Calendar is strictly optional, and at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher of the Baja Western Onion.
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How Do I Subscribe To The Baja Western Onion?
Simple. If you already received The Baja Western Onion sent directly to you, chances are good your address is already on the subscription list. If someone forwarded a copy of The Baja Western Onion to you and you want to subscribe, there is a subscribe link in the newsletter, and a subscribe box on each page of the Baja Western Onion web site. You can also Click Here to subscribe your Email address.
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How Do I Unsubscribe From The Baja Western Onion?
Simple. To remove your Email address from The Baja Western Onion subscription list, just click on the Unsubscribe link near the bottom of each issue of the Baja Western Onion. You'll receive a unsubscribe confirmation request message sent to your address. When you receive the unsubscribe confirmation request, simply reply to it to complete the removal process. If this doesn't work, send an Email to at The Baja Western Onion.
PLEASE DO NOT report the Baja Western Onion as spam, or click the Junk Mail button in your news reader. This will only cause your Email Service to send a spam report to our Internet Service Provider, and will only make it more difficult for others to receive the Baja Western Onion.
If you cannot remember which address you used to subscribe, please send an Email to The Baja Western Onion .
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How Do I Update/Change My Email Subscription Address?
Click Here to add, remove or update your Email address. To complete your request, be sure to reply to the confirmation request message you receive.
If you don't have access to your old Email account, or you can't remember what address was used, send an Email to The . Include any information that will help us to identify your old address(es) and we'll make the change for you.
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Who Produces and Sends The Baja Western Onion?
The Baja Western Onion is produced and distributed by Email by Alan Thompson and Debra Webster. The majority of the content is provided by our subscribers.
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How Often is The Baja Western Onion Sent?
The Baja Western Onion depends upon user contributions for its content. Normally, the Baja Western Onion is sent out every Tuesday and Friday. We may also reduce the frequency to once per week if the number of articles we receive is reduced. Sometimes an additional issue may be sent if we feel the information submitted is important and timely, or in the interests of public safety (i.e floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, etc.)
Because of the varying amount of work in each issue, and our other business obligations, delivery of the Baja Western Onion may be delayed. We make no guarantees as to the time or day when a particular issue will be sent.
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I Have a Complaint About Your Policies, or Something That Appeared in The Baja Western Onion?
Please note that we work very hard each week to bring the Baja Western Onion to you. We try to be fair and neutral to all, and to simply pass along useful information to our readers. But we are human and we make mistakes. Situations sometimes arise that we had not anticipated, and we sometimes have to update our policies to reflect that. Please feel free to send your comments to The Baja Western Onion .
- If there is a clear violation of a stated policy, please inform The Baja Western Onion .
- If you have an issue with someone who posted something you don't like, please take it up privately with that individual.
- If it's something for sale that was misrepresented by the seller, please take it up privately with that individual.
- If it's something that is factually incorrect, you may offer a correction by way of your own article, as long as it doesn't violate any of our guidelines regarding submission content.
The staff of the Baja Western Onion cannot verify the truth or accuracy of any article or ad posted in The Baja Western Onion, whether it's an alleged incident, someone's opinion about a service or business, or something advertised for sale or trade. "Caveat Emptor" applies here as well as anywhere. It is up to each reader to verify for themselves if something they read in the Baja Western Onion is true or not, and to act accordingly.
It is entirely the responsibility of the poster to verify the accuracy of all information submitted. We are not responsible for errors or ommissions, no can we accept fiscal or legal responsibility or liability for errors, omissions or factually incorrect information.
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How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion?
If you need to get in touch with the human owner of The Baja Western Onion, please send an Email to The Baja Western Onion .
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Submit an Article, Ad or Question? Visit Our Web Site at submitad.asp
How Do I Submit a Graphic or Photo to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Do I Advertise in The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Can I Donate to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at donate.asp
What Can I Submit and How Often? Find Information Here: faq.asp
Where Can I Find The Best of The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at best-of-the-bwo.asp
Where Can I Find Back Issues? Recent Back Issues of the Baja Western Onion are Here: back-issues.asp (NOTE: Not all Back Issues Posted)
How Do I Unsubscribe? Our link is at the bottom of every issue of the Baja Western Onion, or visit Our Web Site at subscribe.asp.
How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion? Please send an e mail to .
More FAQs Here: faq.asp
The Baja Western Onion
Serving the communities of Todos Santos, Pescadero and the surrounding areas of Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Copyright © 2006 -
Baja Western Onion All rights reserved.
Todos Santos News Info Events Entertainment Things To Do Pescadero La Paz San Jose Del Cabo San Lucas Baja California Sur Mexico-Baja Western Onion. The Baja Western Onion e mail newsletter information community calendar want ads for sale for trade swap meet