The Baja Western Onion
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Baja Western Onion
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Free and Paid Advertising Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in advertising with the Baja Western Onion. The Baja Western Onion is an electronic newsletter delivered weekly by Email to a 100% opt-in readership of Mexican, Canadian and US Residents who live in or regularly visit the Los Cabos region and greater Baja California Sur. As of November 2023, our subscriber base is over 6,000 readers.
The Baja Western Onion newsletter has a verified, average open rate of 40% (not all opens can be counted). Our bounce rate is consistently below 0.1%. Across all industries in 2021, the average Email newsletter open rate was 21.5%. (Source: Over three million copies of the Baja Western Onion have been mailed since our beginning on September 01, 2006.
Text-based ads appearing in The Baja Western Onion no more frequently than once every 14 days are FREE of charge. To submit a FREE, text-based ad, go here:
Paid Advertising
To advertise in each issue, we also offer paid sponsorship opportunities, which will allow your ad to appear in The Baja Western Onion in each issue every week. We offer multiple ways to advertise, including text-based ads, horizontal "banner" ads, and our Local Services Directory.
1. Text-based Ads
Text-based Ads - Paid Commercial, Private-party and Non-Profit Text-based Ads will be highlighted in a display box like the one shown here.
Illustrative graphics accompanying text-based ads should be in JPG or GIF format at 72 dpi resolution, and no larger than 250 X 250 pixels. Total file size should be no larger than 30 KB.
Your text-based ad copy can be up to 100 words in length. You can also include your contact name, address, phone numbers, Email and website information along with your ad.
If you like, you can post an ad and link to a longer article hosted on your web site or blog, or we can provide web page hosting for an additional fee.
To place a Paid, Text-based Ad, go here:
2. Horizontal "Banner" Ads
Horizontal Banner ads should be in JPG, GIF or PNG format at 72 dpi resolution, and 575 pixels wide by 150 pixels high. Total file size should be no larger than 30 KB. Horizontal Banner ads can be linked to your Email address or web site:
To place a Banner Ad, please send your finished art work to , or contact us for more information on our graphics or web-page creation services.
Paid Advertising Rates
We offer a $40 discount for sponsorships to run for 13 weeks or more, a $120 discount for sponsorships to run 26 weeks, and a $340 discount for sponsorships to run for a full year. Certified non-profits (US 501(C), Mexican Asociación Civil, Canadian T3010 Registered Charity) are eligible to receive an additional 50% discount off our regular commercial rates.
1 Week -$ 20.00
2 Weeks-$ 40.00
4 Weeks-$ 80.00
8 Weeks-$160.00
10 Weeks-$200.00
13 Weeks-$220.00 (Save $40)
26 Weeks-$400.00 (Save $120)
52 Weeks-$700.00 (Save $340)
NEW! Larger Banner Ad Sizes Available
We also offer larger-sized banner ads at the following rates:
2X Banner Ad (575 pixels X 300 pixels) - 1.5 Times above rates
3X Banner Ad (575 pixels X 450 pixels) - 2.0 Times above rates
4X Banner Ad (575 pixels X 600 pixels) - 2.5 Times above rates
5X Banner Ad (575 pixels X 750 pixels) - 3.0 Times above rates
6X Banner Ad (575 pixels X 900 pixels) - 3.5 Times above rates
3. NEW! Dedicated Email Marketing Services
Got a special event, or last-minute announcement? Your exclusive ad can be sent out in a special Email "Blast" issue to over 6,800 Baja Western Onion Subscribers. This special issue will contain your ad only. The price is $125 US, and these special issues can be sent at any day or time of your choosing. Please add $50 for same-day "Rush" Service.
Please contact to schedule your special Email.
4. Local Services Directory
NEW! "Local Services Directory" Ads - Our new Local Services Directory allows readers to quickly locate local service providers in one convenient section. Ads are limited to up to 20 words, and may contain a link to your Email address and website. Due to space limitations, they cannot include graphics.
Please Note: The local services directory is reserved for advertising local services (Examples: carpenters, plumbers, electricians, or construction services, TV, satellite, Internet or computer repairs, house keeping and domestics, etc.) It is not available for advertising real estate or property listings, homes or lots for sale, rentals available, yard sales, personal items for sale, or for offering house-sitting positions.
Special, Limited-time Introductory Offer: Reach over 6,800 Baja Western Onion subscribers twice a week for only $5 US per week(4-Week Minimum Term):
4 Weeks-$ 20.00
6 Weeks-$ 30.00
8 Weeks-$ 40.00
10 Weeks-$ 50.00
13 Weeks-$ 65.00
26 weeks-$130.00
To place a Local Services Directory Ad, go here:
Image Hosting on Our Servers
If you wish to include an illustrative graphic or photo, it must be hosted on an accessable Internet server of your choosing. Please see our Image Guidelines for more info. If you do not have access to an Internet server to host your image, we can upload and host it on our server for a one-time fee of $5.00 US. Requests to relink previously uploaded images to subsequent free ads are considered additional work at the cost of $5 US per request. There is no additional charge for hosting graphics for paid ads (one graphic per ad).
Display Ad Creation and Editing Services
If you need help creating or editing your image or photo to conform to the above sizes, we can provide this service for $30 per hour. You can see examples of our work in the most current Email issue of the Baja Western Onion, or on our home page. Display ads typically take an hour to edit, or two to three hours to create and upload, and will be billed at the rate of $30 per hour. Changes to ads during existing sponsorship campaigns will be billed at the rate of $30 per hour, with a minimum of one hour per change.
Please submit all paid ad graphics for review by E mail to the attention of .
Sponsorship Payment Information
All prices shown are in US Dollars. Our exchange rate is tied to the current daily exchange rate as listed at
Payment by Credit Card / Paypal
We prefer payment by PayPal at If you've never used PayPal before, it's quick, convenient, Safe and Secure.
You can go directly to PayPal in order to setup a new account, or log into your existing account, and make a payment.
If you don't yet have a PayPal account, you can create one here:
Once you are logged in to your account at PayPal, you can send your payment to our PayPal Email ID: advertising [- at -] (Remove the spaces and replace the with the [- at -] traditional @ symbol.)
Payment by US Checks
You can mail US checks in dollars to our address in the US. Please make the check out to Debra Webster.
Debra Webster
2711 Mosquito Road
Placerville, CA 95667
The Baja Western Onion is based in the US. We can supply a US invoice but cannot issue Mexican Facturas.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Submit an Article, Ad or Question? Visit Our Web Site at submitad.asp
How Do I Submit a Graphic or Photo to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Do I Advertise in The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at advertising.asp
How Can I Donate to The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at donate.asp
What Can I Submit and How Often? Find Information Here: faq.asp
Where Can I Find The Best of The Baja Western Onion? Visit Our Web Site at best-of-the-bwo.asp
Where Can I Find Back Issues? Recent Back Issues of the Baja Western Onion are Here: back-issues.asp (NOTE: Not all Back Issues Posted)
How Do I Unsubscribe? Our link is at the bottom of every issue of the Baja Western Onion, or visit Our Web Site at subscribe.asp.
How Do I Contact the Human Owner of The Baja Western Onion? Please send an e mail to .
More FAQs Here: faq.asp
The Baja Western Onion
Serving the communities of Todos Santos, Pescadero and the surrounding areas of Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Copyright © 2006 -
Baja Western Onion All rights reserved.
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