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![]() Baja Doctors, Dentists, Hospital and Medical Information11-1-06 RE: DENTISTS IN LA PAZ - Dr. Talamantes on Reforma in LaPaz is excellent. Dr. Senior does not speak English, but his son, also a dentist in the same office, speaks it very well. I had a root canal done and crown put in, all very comfortably. Dr. senior has a niece, also named Talamantes, who is another location. I don't know anything about her, so check the address before making an appointment. 1-10-07 DOCTOR RECOMMENDATIONS - This info is for the man with the kidney stone problem: Dr. Ezequiel Martinez Cruz (kidney stone destruction without surgery) Phone 12 241 66 and 12 247 66 cell phone speaks English. And Guillermo Delgadillo Mendez 12 304 25 - 12 2 13 04 speaks English... - Good luck Iker (Cafe Brown)
1-31-07 RE: CARDIOLOGIST RECOMMENDATION - Dr. Jorge Garcia-Bareno at Especialidades in Cabo is excellent. 624 143-3914. - Tom, tom ( -a t- ) WHAT TO DO IN A MEDICAL EMERGENCY - This excellent article was submitted to the web site. It is worth reading. To do so go to to read it in full. Ken Macfarlane. 4-14-07 WHAT TO DO IN A MEDICAL EMERGENCY - Thanks to Ken MacFarlane for posting the address, and congrats to Vic for such a well written, insightful, and valuable article. I just thought I should add a few things: 1) important phone numbers: - Bomberos numbers for those with a Bomberos house number: 044-612 14 26 387, 612 13 39 781, and 044-612 14 23 536 - Centro de Salud Todos Santos (phone in use only between 8am and 8pm) 14 500 95 - Police: 14 504 45 2) The Bomberos will take you wherever you want to go, including AmeriMed in Cabo, Salvatierra or Fidepaz in La Paz, or the Centro de Salud here in Todos Santos. They are excellent drivers and can get you to either Cabo or La Paz in under 45 minutes (their record is 31 minutes to Salvatierra Hospital). 3) Handling a medical emergency is all about being RELAXED. If you're in hysterics, you're no good to the patient or to the medical staff. If you're the nervous type, call someone to handle things for you, namely a reliable friend or the Bomberos. When they arrive, help them by NOT GETTING IN THE WAY. Furthermore, a relaxed patient will have a much higher survival rate than one who's heart rate and breathing have skyrocketed because his family or friends are making him/her panic. SO REMEMBER: POKER-FACES, RELAXED HEAD, AND QUICK HANDS!!! - Dr. Alberto Palacios, chip2_82 ( -a t- ) 14 500 95 Editor's Note - Many Todos Santos residents may not realize that the doctors who are on staff at the Centro de Salud are essentially unpaid for the excellent medical services they provide to our community. Instead, they are fulfilling their obligation to volunteer and be randomly assigned to clinics throughout Mexico as a requirement of their graduate medical training. If you have ever had occasion to use the services of the Centro de Salud, you know how dedicated and professional these fine young doctors really are. They are well-educated and most are fluent in English, which may be especially important if you happen to be a language-challenged Gringo with an illness or injury. Please help support these great doctors so they might be encouraged to return to our area and set up private practice after their studies are completed. Also, please note that the services of the Centro de Salud are offered largely free of charge. Generously tipping your health care provider for his or her services IS allowed and truly appreciated. - Editor, Baja Western Onion IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR POTENTIAL BLOOD DONORS - There are many requirements and restrictions before you can donate at the hospital in La Paz. Following is my translation of each of the six REQUISITES PARA DONADORES. IMPORTANT:
MARIPOSA OF EL REFUGIO - My name is Jennifer Lee, and my Mother is "Mariposa", the selfless soul who runs the "El Refugio Animal Shelter" in Pescadero. As many of you may or may not know, she has been ill recently with heart problems. After many trips to La Paz, and many different diagnosis, we FINALLY found, what we like to call our "Gift from God", an excellent Cardiologist in San Jose del Cabo. We first went with a cardiologist from Amerimed, who literally scared us so much, he had my mother literally kicking the bucket, right then and there! Luckily, my aunt and uncle have a friend in San Jose, who's sister sometime back suffered a massive heart attack, and this cardiologist attended her. When she returned to the USA, she went to, (and I don't recall the name of the clinic), the best Cardiologist Clinic in the USA, and the doctors there said that whoever attended to her in Mexico, did exactly what they were supposed to, and was an excellent doctor. Long story short, he speaks English, is a genius, as he graduated from Med School at the tender age of 21! He is now 41, and really does know how to make you understand what he is doing and why! His name is: Dr.Alejandro Velderrain Zazueta: Phone-01-624-142-3031, 01-624-142-1994. Email: drheart ( -a t- ) I am truly relieved we were recommended to him, he really set our minds at ease. I pray in my heart that his treatment, along with my Mother's will to live, will keep her around for many years to come. I love you Mom!